ClimateKeys Autumn 2017

ClimateKeys is a group of international pianists performing concerts in November 2017 to coincide with the next round of United Nations climate change talks. ClimateKeys will raise public engagement and many thousands more people across the globe will talk about climate change.

When the 195 countries next gather together to hold the UN climate talks (Bonn, November 6 – 17), 195 pianists will perform with guest speakers and audience conversations across the world.

ClimateKeys Launch Concert

Wednesday 25 October 2017 at 7pm

Markson Pianos Concert Series, St Mary Magdelene Parish Church, Munster Square, London NW1 3PL

Natalie Bleicher, Esther Cavett, Hannah Gill, Daniel Grimwood, Lola Perrin, Mikael Pettersson, Tim Pryce, Elli Spackova, Elena Riu, Caroline Tyler, Nafis Umerkulova

Jonathon Porritt
Kye Gbangbola and Nicole Lawler from Truth about zane


ClimateKeys West Hampstead Concert

Saturday 11 November at 7:30pm

St Cuthbert’s Church, Fordwych Road, London NW2 3TN

Pianists Natalie Bleicher, Hannah Gill and Tim Pryce will be joined by speaker Julia Marques

Repertoire to include a selection from Our Planet Earth by Karen Tanaka and a selection of Debussy Preludes

Admission free, donations welcome


Visit the ClimateKeys website to find out more about the project and to find listings of the 194 other concerts taking place worldwide!